jitter shader
This is a collection of Jitter shaders for the jit.gl.slab object I created for Karl Kliem. We decided to make them available publicly for you to use. These bundles are for use with Max/MSP & Jitter. If you're a GLSL (the OpenGL Shading Language) developer it is pretty straightforward to extract the GLSL part from the shader files, so go ahead! A Max/MSP helpfile is included with each shader.
Ascii Shader
LED Shader
Bloom Shader
Ascii Shader in action
Get: Ascii Shader
LED Shader in action
Get: LED Shader
Bloom Shader in action
Get:Bloom Shader
10.11.2008 | back to top | write comment | 2 comments
Emmanuel Flores
Wed 21 July 2010 @ 16:55
Thanks for sharing, the shaders are really nice